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Experimental Video, 2010, 6:30

Cooked Snow illustrates limitations of conveying accurate thought (and therefore creating a seamless expression of ‘the self’) when speaking in a third language. ‘Cooked Snow’ shows tableau spaced by text, beginning with a serene lake superimposed upon a woman’s torso, moving to a landscape with a fried egg sunset cooked on a buttered stomach. A narrative voice speaking a combination of German and gibberish explains that snow melts and a stomach needs to be shaved. During this descent into the inexplicable, distance is created as the meaning of the voice recedes further and further. The systemic return to disconnected text further implies abstract meaning that attempts to convey sensations beyond the realm of language.
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Cooked Snow_1
Valletta Film Festival, Valletta, Malta, 2016
K3 International Short Film Festival, Villach, Austria 2011
Crosstalk Video Art Festival, Budapest, Hungary 2011
Athens Video Art Festival, Athens, Greece 2011
Stuttgart Filmwinter, Stuttgart, Germany 2011
Cologne International Video Art Festival 2010
Zero Film Festival 2010
No Time To Think-Open Exhibition, Shanghai, China, 2010
Kic Little World-Open Art Exhibition, Shanghai, China, 2010
Global Identity-New Generation Visual Artists' Film Screening,
Shanghai, China, 2010
Matrilineage Show, Spark Contemporary Art Space, Syracuse, USA, 2010
Video Now! Everson Art Museum, Syracuse, USA 2010
Spark Video, Spark Contemporary Art Space, Syracuse, USA 2010
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