Oriental Silk Screening: WHITSTABLE BIENNALE 2016Whitstable Biennale is a festival of performance, film and sound, taking place every two years on the Kent coast. This year, their...
Necessary Frames Presenting Oriental SilkSelected by Gareth Evans. He is Film Curator at Whitechapel Gallery, London. Saturday 11 June 8pm BLOC PROJECTS 71 Eyre Lane Sheffield...
Xiaowen Zhu | Following a Global Path to a Career as an Independent ArtistSpotlight: Syracuse University | College of Visual + Performing Arts Xiaowen Zhu earned a master of fine arts (M.F.A.) degree from the...
Oriental Silk: Screening and ConversationPresented by the Colloquium for Unpopular Culture and the Asian/Pacific/American Studies Program in the NYU Department of Social and...